Hills covered with old vineyards; poor, clayey, pebbly soils. Only the strength of the vines and the perseverance of the grower can get the most out of that.
Predappio Alta (locally named The Prè) lies at 247 m. above sea level on a rock spur; the old castle on the top dominates the medieval hamlet which only counts 500 inhabitants. It is part of the municipality of Predappio.- about 20 km from the main town of Forlì. Visitors love it and enjoy both the food, the wines and the view.
In the past the main resource was mining since the soil is rich in sulphur; nowadays the mines, which were in disuse for many years, have been restored and are used to mature a local cheese and to hold an inspiring crib at Christmas time.
Hills covered with old vineyards; poor, clayey, pebbly soils. Only the strength of the vines and the perseverance of the grower can get the most out of that.
Already in 1383 the Town Statutes of Predappio Alta established strict rules on how to grow the Sangiovese vines around the castle in order to get the best grapes.
Predappio Alta is a small diamond set in the lovely hills of Romagna; it deserves to be visited to enjoy an outstanding Sangiovese.